
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Smile Peom

 Smiling poems

Smiling is like covid-19, 
you catch it really fast.
Soon I had a smile ear to ear.
I walked down the road with the sun on my face.
Everyone saw my grin and then there faces turned as bright as the sun.
A big smile is all you need to make it speed wildly around the world like 1,2,3.
So get out of your house sharing your massive grin.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Report On My Information Report😃

 My report on my information report

Last week, our writing task was to make a information report and we could present in any way. I presented mine on a poster. My information report was about Jack Russell's. First we had to plan our writing. Miss Slattery linked a planning sheet. After our planning we had to do a draft of our writing. We had to include a description, its habitat, movement, food and there breeding habitats. Then I wrote it all down on a poster, with a black pen. Next I drew a picture of the Jack Russell on my poster. Then I showed it to Miss Slattery, and she corrected it. Then I checked it again and carefully put it in the 'in tray'. I am excited for our next information report!  This is a picture of my information report about Jack Russel's.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

A new Skill!

 A new Skill

Last week, we learnt what subjects and predicates are... In a sentence the subject is the noun or name includes all the descriptive information about the subject. The predicate includes all the descriptive information about the subject. Miss Slattery gave us a work sheet that have ten sentences on each side. 

On the first side we had to draw a line in between the subject and the predicate. On the second side we had to circle the complete subject, and underline the predicate.

After we finished we glued it in our book and had to show Miss Slattery. This Skill will help me a lot in the future, because it will help me be able to tell the difference from a predicate and the subject. This will also help me be able to write excellent story's and sentences.