
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Catherine McAuley 😃

 Catherine McAuley.

In 1827 Catherine McAuley decided to build a house by the road for all the poor, sick  and homeless people can come and live. Catherine McAuley believed in the education of women. In 1831 Catherine McAuley founded the mercy sisters. Catherine McAuley was born in Dublin in 1778. Catherine McAuley dedicated her life to caring for the poor. Catherine was a foundress, missionary, teacher and was very merciful to other and the homeless and poor. 

Here are some of Catherine McAuleys quotes... 

  • "The proof of love is deed".
  • "Be ever ready to praise, to encourage, to stimulate, but slow to censure, and still more slow to condemn".
  • "If we love God, we will undoubtedly love our neighbour also; they are as cause and effect".
  • "We must try to be like those rivers which enter into the sea without losing any of the sweetness of the water".

Friday, October 23, 2020

Thank you card and How thank you changes the world reflection.


This week we had to make a thank you card to a person that has helped us lately. We had to stick it in our book when we finished, for checking. First we had to to draft. Then edit. Then rewrite ( if we had to) and then publish on a card. I decided to make a pop up card, so I found a  youtube clip to follow. In the card we had to mention how we felt.  I made a thank you card for my brother for helping me cut up meat for the dogs. Then we had a big question we had to write how thank you changes the world. Thank you changes the world because it  complements  the person that has done something for you. This changes the world because it will make those to people to do good things which inspires other to do the same. Thank you shows you are grateful for something which will make other people say thank you. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Smile Peom

 Smiling poems

Smiling is like covid-19, 
you catch it really fast.
Soon I had a smile ear to ear.
I walked down the road with the sun on my face.
Everyone saw my grin and then there faces turned as bright as the sun.
A big smile is all you need to make it speed wildly around the world like 1,2,3.
So get out of your house sharing your massive grin.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Report On My Information Report😃

 My report on my information report

Last week, our writing task was to make a information report and we could present in any way. I presented mine on a poster. My information report was about Jack Russell's. First we had to plan our writing. Miss Slattery linked a planning sheet. After our planning we had to do a draft of our writing. We had to include a description, its habitat, movement, food and there breeding habitats. Then I wrote it all down on a poster, with a black pen. Next I drew a picture of the Jack Russell on my poster. Then I showed it to Miss Slattery, and she corrected it. Then I checked it again and carefully put it in the 'in tray'. I am excited for our next information report!  This is a picture of my information report about Jack Russel's.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

A new Skill!

 A new Skill

Last week, we learnt what subjects and predicates are... In a sentence the subject is the noun or name includes all the descriptive information about the subject. The predicate includes all the descriptive information about the subject. Miss Slattery gave us a work sheet that have ten sentences on each side. 

On the first side we had to draw a line in between the subject and the predicate. On the second side we had to circle the complete subject, and underline the predicate.

After we finished we glued it in our book and had to show Miss Slattery. This Skill will help me a lot in the future, because it will help me be able to tell the difference from a predicate and the subject. This will also help me be able to write excellent story's and sentences.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Mt Exam Recount, Detective😄

 Exam Recount

Yesterday, I woke up and I had rolled off the bed. I turned off my alarm and I had a quick drink of coffee. Then I chucked the old cup in my bag. Later on, I pulled all the cobwebs off my helmet and pulled it on. I jumped on my bike, but I fell and scratched my knee. Red blood had already appeared.

I tried again. I grabbed my headphones and my iPod and turned on Mindfulness music. When I arrived at university, I turned on my computer and started typing.

When I found the site I grabbed my green and blue pencil case, but just then my chrome book had gone flat. I biked home and grabbed the charger. I charged my device and started to get information for my exam.

Drop your pencils! We handed in our exams. At the end of the day they gave out the exams, I looked at my page. I  got a f minus. I biked home, then I jumped on my bed. I think, next time I’ll do more research. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Our exiting excursion😄

The Excursion

On Friday the 14th of August, our teacher Miss Slattery said "We are going to go on a day trip to Waitangi".  We were all pumped to go to Waitangi but we had a big two hour bus ride ahead. When we saw the bus it was a small bus. We jumped on. We were so lucky that the bus had air conditioning because it was boiling in there.

I was the one that was by the heater too so, I put my air condition at the coldest it could go. When we finally got to Waitangi it was 11:00 o'clock. We automatically ran in a line and followed Whaea Kerry, and Whaea Monica into the hall. We walked up the stairs and ran into a room.

First, we had lunch, and then they explained what the words computational thinking meant. Computational thinking is how you program some thing to do what you say or control. We played a game where there was a programmer and a  mover.

After playing the game and understanding how it works we had one last big lunch break before we could start  Scratch. When we started  Scratch, they explained how to use it and how to make the character move, and what buttons do what. 

We had a fun time playing around with it and making an animation. My animation was about a crab biting a bear's foot. After showing each other we said good by and hopped back on the bus and drove home. 

I was wondering when would we come next? 


My Brownie Recipe😄

Book Creator

Last week, Whaea Donna came into our class room and told us we were going to use book creator to make a recipe that you know how to make. Whaea Donna set us up on book creator and we started to make and fiddle around with book creator and found how to write and record. Then we started to copy our recipe and make it look beautiful. 

This is the link to my recipe.

My Brownie.

Be free to try it!  

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Mt Speech Reflection😀.

Speech Reflection

This year I am really proud of all the effort and time I have put into my speech.

I chose my topic by asking my Mum and Dad to tell me in depth what each topic means. When I heard one of the topics was “What well being means to me.”, I automatically thought it would be a good topic to do my speech on because well being is important for everyday lives, and also well being can also mean being in your happy place. I practised every day to make sure I knew my speech inside out. My Mum, Dad and Gran all helped improve my speech but I did most of the work because it is my speech. When it was time to present in front of the class I knew I did not need to be worried because I am saying it in front of people I know. After my speech I feel like I could have improved by looking at my audience the whole time. I can improve by talking to the audience more. Next I would like to say it in front of the church and improve my public speaking.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

What am I proud of?😀

What am I proud of?

I am really proud of my writing skills and how it has been improving over the years. I am proud of my writing because this year I have improved my skills and how it flows. 

Every day at home I have been writing letters or writing a story to different people and  always changing the topic. Each day I feel like I am getting better at planning and drafting it.

I can keep on improving by taking my time and thinking deeply about the topic. I can also improve by helping others witch also helps me with my under standing.

I would like to move onto being able to write books and be an awesome writer. I want my writing to flow and have heaps of describing words.
From Max.  

Monday, July 27, 2020

Good comments and bad comments😁

This week we have been learning about good comments and bad comments. Donna made a slide with all the instructions and what a good and bad comments are. After  we finished the slide we were put into buddy's and mine were Josie, Christiaan. We were told to copy a doc that had comments on it. We had to put a thumbs up to the good ones and thumbs down for the not so good ones. Then we had to highlight the parts that made the comment bad our good. After that we had to comment on that comment and write why it was good or bad.

By Max