This week in Tui Class we watched a movie called Klaus , we based our study/contract on the movie. The movie was about Kindness and Friend Ship. We had twelve things to do on contract which were all based or happened in the movie. My favourite thing to do on the contract was writing a letter to your friend about why you should watch the movie Klaus. This is what happened in the movie Klaus.
First there was a postage building and there was a letter to Jasper. He when to his Dad the owner of the postage building, they discussed about were he show go to send letters, (did I say that they are rich). His father finally said you are going to go to Smeersburg.
His father said you have to get 6,000 letters in one whole year to come back home. If you do not success you can never come back home.
Jasper ride his horse for days and days until he saw a house with a boat. He asked if he could use a persons boat to drive out to Smeersburg. When he got there no one was there and no welcome. He ran to a bell and rang it. But Jasper did not know that it was a battle bell. Day after day there was no letters then he knew that they did not send letters.
He asked one child to write a letter with one penny for postage and you will get a toy. He herd a person, who said there is an old person up in the hills that has toys. He saw Klaus up in the hills and begged if they could make toys together.
They gave the little girl a toy frog, she told everyone about it. Letters were flying into Jasper and Klaus. Then one angry boy came and said "I sent a letter but did not get it". Jasper said you did not get a present because you were mean to every body in the town. You need to be nice to get a toy. So every one was nice.
This continued until the angry boys parents ripped all the presents out of the bag. Jasper tried to stop them but he could not. Then Klaus dove in the real presents Jasper was thankful.
It carried on and Smeersburg was once again happy.
I recommend you watch this movie to see Kindness, Friend ship, and peace.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Should the sale of Guy Fawkes be banned in New Zealand😁
I disagree with Guy Fawkes getting banned in New Zealand because it celebrates that the British Parliament did not get blown up, its a good time to have family around. It is also a fun to watch and have a good night. When you do fire works you should warn your neighbours just in case a fire lite's from a fire work.
The main reason that we should carry on using Guy Fawkes is because it celebrates that the British Parliament didn't get blown up by a guy called Guy Fawkes. We should keep it going and keep celebrating Guy Fawkes.
Its also a good time to get family over and have a good night with your friends or family you don't see often. Its fun to have lots of sparks in the air for a while. Its also a good show that you can have at your house.
If you light fireworks you should warn your neighbours so then they can keep an eye out for flames or sparks.
These are all the reasons why I disagree with fire works getting banned in New Zealand.
The main reason that we should carry on using Guy Fawkes is because it celebrates that the British Parliament didn't get blown up by a guy called Guy Fawkes. We should keep it going and keep celebrating Guy Fawkes.
Its also a good time to get family over and have a good night with your friends or family you don't see often. Its fun to have lots of sparks in the air for a while. Its also a good show that you can have at your house.
If you light fireworks you should warn your neighbours so then they can keep an eye out for flames or sparks.
These are all the reasons why I disagree with fire works getting banned in New Zealand.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Awesome Pablo Picasso art.
Monday, October 14, 2019
One Amazing ,one Scary and one Relaxing 😄😠😐
Welcome back to term four 2019, today Mrs Cutler said you can say one amazing , one scary and one relaxing thing we did in the two week Holiday. This is my amazing , scary and relaxing and these are the ones I shared:
Amazing: I went to Whangarei to see a rugby match which was the Northland Taniwha's verse Otago. I was cheering for the Taniwha's and the points were 40 to 10. The Taniwha's had won.😃
Scary: We were fishing by the mussel farms and we nearly got swept ed into a rope by the mussel farms.😮
Relaxing: One day at home I finally got to sit down and watch Netflix and YouTube with my brother and sister.😴😓
Amazing: I went to Whangarei to see a rugby match which was the Northland Taniwha's verse Otago. I was cheering for the Taniwha's and the points were 40 to 10. The Taniwha's had won.😃
Scary: We were fishing by the mussel farms and we nearly got swept ed into a rope by the mussel farms.😮
Relaxing: One day at home I finally got to sit down and watch Netflix and YouTube with my brother and sister.😴😓
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The Anzac Button😀
Back in the war in 1915, the button had been the most important part on the jacket. The button showed pride, fair and sadness, it was sewn neatly onto a khaki jacket. The button had dodged many bullets, but saved live's. When the war was over, it was dug deep into a wardrobe and forgotten all about , the khaki jacket , but on the 25 April it got polished till it shone.
Then one day that top neck button saved a soilders life. A bit of shrapnel had been hurtling towards a soilder , and that soilder was thought to die. When the shrapnel glided off the soilder. The soldier looked at his button, it was dented but saved his life.
But one day the whole khaki jacket was forgotten about. One year a child found it and knew it was her great, great grandfather's jacket. She took off all the buttons that had saved his life. She gently sewed the buttons onto a piece of ribbon and wore it on the 25 of April, the Anzac day. She represented her grandfather , wearing his button that saved his life.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The awesome Narrative😉
All of a sudden , right in front of Jacks eyes , his family completely disappeared.
In 1985 in a cold , windy morning in Whangarei Jack was playing on the tramp with his little baby sister , when she completely disappeared. Jack ran in side to find his parents but they were gone too. All there was left was a coffee and News paper on the couch.The coffee was still steaming hot. Interesting said Jack Ill stay at my friends house. He called them up.
They did not even answer , they all ways answer the said. Jack went to there house but they were not there ether. This is getting spooky Jack said. Inside his house he found green slime. It was glowing, oozing , and sticky.
St rate away he knew who it was Aliens. Every year they kid nap someones family and this year it was Jacks.
In his back yard he had been making a time machine to go back to Alien world. All it needed was a AA battery. He went to the Packnsave and brought a AA battery with his own money. He put it in and then it glowed up hard.
He set it to Alien world , when he got there he saw the King Alien , and the Queen.
Jack said give my family back. No !!! they said. The only way you can get your family back is if you pass this test track.
Pass 50 hungry dinosaurs , cross a bridge below is lava, and finally dodge 100 arrows.
Do you aseptic the test track and if you finish alive you get your family back.
I accept it said Jack.
Lucky he knew karate and in 10 minutes he had passed all 50 Dinosaurs. Next one said the king.
In karate he had learnt how to balance rely good.
Next ordered the king.
The King did not know that this clothes he was wearing, was armored plates, That was easy said Jack.
The king was shocked that he had passed all the tests.
The king did let Jack take his family home and they lived happily ever after.
In 1985 in a cold , windy morning in Whangarei Jack was playing on the tramp with his little baby sister , when she completely disappeared. Jack ran in side to find his parents but they were gone too. All there was left was a coffee and News paper on the couch.The coffee was still steaming hot. Interesting said Jack Ill stay at my friends house. He called them up.
They did not even answer , they all ways answer the said. Jack went to there house but they were not there ether. This is getting spooky Jack said. Inside his house he found green slime. It was glowing, oozing , and sticky.
St rate away he knew who it was Aliens. Every year they kid nap someones family and this year it was Jacks.
In his back yard he had been making a time machine to go back to Alien world. All it needed was a AA battery. He went to the Packnsave and brought a AA battery with his own money. He put it in and then it glowed up hard.
He set it to Alien world , when he got there he saw the King Alien , and the Queen.
Jack said give my family back. No !!! they said. The only way you can get your family back is if you pass this test track.
Pass 50 hungry dinosaurs , cross a bridge below is lava, and finally dodge 100 arrows.
Do you aseptic the test track and if you finish alive you get your family back.
I accept it said Jack.
Lucky he knew karate and in 10 minutes he had passed all 50 Dinosaurs. Next one said the king.
In karate he had learnt how to balance rely good.
Next ordered the king.
The King did not know that this clothes he was wearing, was armored plates, That was easy said Jack.

The king did let Jack take his family home and they lived happily ever after.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Awesome Hiwi the Kiwi !!!👌
Yesterday Hiwi the Kiwi came to our school to talk to us about our waste and how to care after our animals.
When you are fishing you should always pick up a fish with a wet cloth , not a dry one. Because they have a oily liquid like sun screen for us. When we pick it up with our hands it rubs it off and the fish dies. But if you pick it up with a wet cloth it does not rub it off and they survive.
When you are on a boat or any thing that moves on the water always were a Life Jacket , because if you fall off you are not going to sink and die , you are going to bob on the top of the water until the someone comes , and helps you.
When you are on a boat or any thing that moves on the water always were a Life Jacket , because if you fall off you are not going to sink and die , you are going to bob on the top of the water until the someone comes , and helps you.
Most of our plastic is going to this island called the Middle Way. This island is were our biggest bird lays its eggs this birds name is the Albatross. Most of the rubbish is there which the Albatross think is food. Because of the rubbish they eat is killing them and that means they might get extincted which would be bad. Here is a picture of the island. It looks good but is full of rubbish.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Using your Senses!!!!
Mahi Tahi is a activity were the three senior classes work together to complete an activity. All of the tasks have these 4 cs which are Creativity , Communication, Collaboration, and Critical thinking. You get into a group witch the teachers chose the groups. Today the task was ........
There were four people in a team two were blind folded and the other two wrote 12345 and so on to 12. The three teachers gave out the food.
When we got our blind folders on we tasted and explained to the other buddy what we had smelt and tasted. The things we ate was icing sugar, mustard, lime juice, salt, capes, marmite, chilli sauce and baking soda.
There were 12 dishes served.
At the end the teachers checked our answers from a book and my team got one wrong!!!!
There were four people in a team two were blind folded and the other two wrote 12345 and so on to 12. The three teachers gave out the food.
When we got our blind folders on we tasted and explained to the other buddy what we had smelt and tasted. The things we ate was icing sugar, mustard, lime juice, salt, capes, marmite, chilli sauce and baking soda.
There were 12 dishes served.
At the end the teachers checked our answers from a book and my team got one wrong!!!!
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Awesome Landmarks
Last week we were learning about landmarks and things all around the world. Our teacher put up some photos of places and we got to chose one to write about. They were the Eiffel tower, Empire State building, leaning tower of Pisa, Sky tower, the Statue of Liberty, Buckingham palace , the Colosseum , Sydney opera house , Taj Mahal , the White house , and the Great Pyramids of Giza. I chose the Great Pyramids of Giza all I knew about the Great Pyramids of Giza was that they were built thousands and thousands of years ago. We also made posters about our chosen places.
`Today we had a play on Google Earth and got to see all the landmark I mention before. It was cool to see all the places on a chrome book. Check this link for my poster.this is my iformation report I was talking about
`Today we had a play on Google Earth and got to see all the landmark I mention before. It was cool to see all the places on a chrome book. Check this link for my poster.this is my iformation report I was talking about
Friday, August 23, 2019
My Interesting Explanation Report
I would like to go to Brazil because I would get to learn all about the history , and famous things.
In the country of Brazil in the continent of South America. I want to go to Brazil because there are cool things to do like: going to see the sugar loaf mountain visiting the Christ the Redeemer , going to Copacabana which is (beach life art) and also seeing Corcovado.
The biggest urban area in Brazil is Sao Paulo which is also the biggest city in Brazil. The smallest urban area is Coronal Pilar. These are the two famous cities in Brazil it will be cool to see them.
The language spoken in Brazil is Portuguese. It would be cool to learn a new language and see what it sounds like.
Brazil is also famous for their Rain Forest and all the animals in it. There are also Native trees in the Rain Forest it will be cool to see them.
Seeing all of these things would be.......
In the country of Brazil in the continent of South America. I want to go to Brazil because there are cool things to do like: going to see the sugar loaf mountain visiting the Christ the Redeemer , going to Copacabana which is (beach life art) and also seeing Corcovado.
The biggest urban area in Brazil is Sao Paulo which is also the biggest city in Brazil. The smallest urban area is Coronal Pilar. These are the two famous cities in Brazil it will be cool to see them.
The language spoken in Brazil is Portuguese. It would be cool to learn a new language and see what it sounds like.
Brazil is also famous for their Rain Forest and all the animals in it. There are also Native trees in the Rain Forest it will be cool to see them.
Seeing all of these things would be.......
My real cool Information Report
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
What a information report is......
1) An Information Report is a piece of writing that Explains the food , famous things and there country's Culture. An Information Report has paragraphs and each paragraph is talking about one topic or subheading.
The language spoke in Azerbaijan is Azerbaijani, The Area of Azerbaijan is 86,600 km 2. The land mark in Azerbaijanis Baku Hotel. Baku Hotel is right in the center of Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan is one of the six Turkic states. The famous people from Azerbaijan is Cally Kasparov , and llham Aliyev .In 1920 the country was incorporated into the soviet union.
The Azerbaijan flag is green , blue , and red with a star in the middle.
Azerbaijan exports oil and natural gas which is most of their exporting. Azerbaijan's other export's are sugar , fruit's , metal's and polymers.
The first Azerbaijan was Floma human it is in the late stone hotel.
2) Azerbaijan is in the continent of Asia next to the country of Armenia. The population in Azerbaijan is 10.5 million. Azerbaijan is bordered by the Caspian sea east Russia to the North.The language spoke in Azerbaijan is Azerbaijani, The Area of Azerbaijan is 86,600 km 2. The land mark in Azerbaijanis Baku Hotel. Baku Hotel is right in the center of Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan is one of the six Turkic states. The famous people from Azerbaijan is Cally Kasparov , and llham Aliyev .In 1920 the country was incorporated into the soviet union.
The Azerbaijan flag is green , blue , and red with a star in the middle.
Azerbaijan exports oil and natural gas which is most of their exporting. Azerbaijan's other export's are sugar , fruit's , metal's and polymers.
The first Azerbaijan was Floma human it is in the late stone hotel.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Friday, August 9, 2019
What a biography is........
A Biography
A biography is a piece of writing that explains what that person is famous for or their achievements.
A biography helps people learn why that person is famous, or just what they want to do and if they
succeeded. A biography has to be able to explain about the person.
A biography is vital to have information about them and their achievements. And about their lives being
a super hero fixing things and making new world records.
A biography needs paragraphs about early life , adult life , achievements and there date of berth and death
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
The Incredible new 200 dollar note that shines.

When New Zealand played France in 2011 Rugby Union World Cup , he became the first All Black to play a 100 tests. He played 145 times for the Crusaders in 2015 and helped the team with four Rugby titles , and he was captain three times.
I choose the kiwi because it relates to Richie McCaw as being an All Black. Richie McCaw is a New Zealander and so as the kiwi.
My land mark is his home town Oamuru because it is his home town and it links to him.
Friday, August 2, 2019
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Friday, July 26, 2019
Thursday, July 4, 2019
How we made our awesome art.
Last week and this week we have been making Sandra Silderzweig inspired art. Week 6 we looked at our contract and we had to draw patterns and designs on a sheet to fill up the boxes. It was building up to drawing Sandra Silderzweig's art. Then a few weeks later we watched a video and that taught us the basics to draws in her style. After that we got given a piece of paper to draft out or designs and patterns. Then a day later we got anther piece of paper to make sure we did not want to change any thing . Then a week later we got a piece of A3 cartridge paper to copy it on to, this was our last time to change any thing . A week later we put indian ink on all our lines doing thick and thin lines. When we had finish putting the indian ink it was the next process colouring with chalk pastel. We could blend and not blend but we had to have it balanced.
This is my finished piece of work.
This is my finished piece of work.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Instructional Writing !
On Monday and Tuesday , our Class has been getting Surprised and Exited
1.We were split in different sides of our class room and or buddy was on the other side .
2. Mrs Cutler told our teams what we had to do Instructional writing about one team was Aliens ,and the other was Monsters.
3. We had to sit back side to the other team so they could not see what we were doing it about .
4. We write about our picture and how to Draw it .
5. When we had finished we swapped our writing with our buddy .
It was hard drawing what they had said , and hard reading were are what to put in.
This is two of our drawing from our instructions.
On Tuesday we had to do Instructional writing about how to tie your shoe laces . We had to read our instructions to Lily and she had to do what our Instructions said and we would see if it worked.
My one did not work because It was not clear enough for it to work.
Friday, June 21, 2019
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
I hear screams of Fears of Falling , Crying because they are close to death .I see crumbling , rumbling and breaking rocks , and never ending dry and dirty paths . I felt scared , horrified and thrilled when I saw our school on top of an dusty peak.I wonder one day if they will help us by in proving the track.
A Moment in time.
I see sad and terrified eyes , droopy trunk, and bars all around .
I felt mean putting these animals to an unhappy life.
I wonder if the animal will ever have Joy in there heart .
Friday, June 7, 2019
Thursday, May 16, 2019
The possum animation!
We created a animation to Share a message about an environmental issue in NZ/World and give people some ideas on how to help. I Choose to make mine about Possums because They are a big issue in New Zealand because they are killing of trees!
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
An Awesome 1080 persuasive piece of writing
We are learning to write persuasive piece of writing about whether we agree or disagree with the use of 1080 poison in the forest of NZ.
I disagree with 1080 because it is a poison that does not just kill pests , it kills every thing .
1080 kills other animals . It does not just kill pests . We need to stop using 1080! 1080 is a bad poison that can kill any animal.
We should be using traps not 1080 . Traps kill them straight away if it is a good trap. I think you should get a good trap that will kill them in one shoot.
1080 does not kill fast it takes 30 mins to 2 hours it depends on the dose. It makes the animal suffer for a long time antill the 1080 kills the animal .
1080 can be good for killing stoats and stuff like that but it does kill our native animals too.
I would like you to use traps not 1080.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
WALT find the author’s message.
The Author’s message is a warning and telling people what possums are doing to our forest.
Today we read an article called the possum problem.
We can sell possum fur to tourists
They are killing our native animals like the kiwi, we need to stop the possum from killing them.
The first shipping of possums was in 1837, the hunters were pleased because they can sell possum fur.
In New Zealand there is no predators to the possum only us humans can stop the possums from killing our native animals.
Friday, March 8, 2019
welcome to my blog of 2019
welcome to my blog I am max i am 8 years old. I love Dirt bike Riding,camping,Fishing. I am looking forward to learning about the environment. And doing some incredible art work. I have a goal to be at the right place at the end of the year.
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