
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Our exiting excursion😄

The Excursion

On Friday the 14th of August, our teacher Miss Slattery said "We are going to go on a day trip to Waitangi".  We were all pumped to go to Waitangi but we had a big two hour bus ride ahead. When we saw the bus it was a small bus. We jumped on. We were so lucky that the bus had air conditioning because it was boiling in there.

I was the one that was by the heater too so, I put my air condition at the coldest it could go. When we finally got to Waitangi it was 11:00 o'clock. We automatically ran in a line and followed Whaea Kerry, and Whaea Monica into the hall. We walked up the stairs and ran into a room.

First, we had lunch, and then they explained what the words computational thinking meant. Computational thinking is how you program some thing to do what you say or control. We played a game where there was a programmer and a  mover.

After playing the game and understanding how it works we had one last big lunch break before we could start  Scratch. When we started  Scratch, they explained how to use it and how to make the character move, and what buttons do what. 

We had a fun time playing around with it and making an animation. My animation was about a crab biting a bear's foot. After showing each other we said good by and hopped back on the bus and drove home. 

I was wondering when would we come next? 


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